Monday 27 November 2017

50 year's (short post)

This month our school is going to celebrate it's 50th annivesary and we are celebrating at school. They have done videos of old students and old teachers speaking about they anecdots in school, on saturday 28th of october 2017, some people is going to do a performance in the streets, but only in place's were the school has been placed. Also tha saturday is Tolosa Goxua a day where a lot of bakerys of the basque country come's to Tolosa and you can buy them. ¡IS GOING TO BE A FANTASTIC DAY!

Monday 6 November 2017

Today I have been working in a mindmap in a new web sites and is very usefull. At first is going to be a little bit complicated but after some time it will becames easyer. If you want to see my first mind map (I have done it fastly to try the web) click here.

I use gifs a in my post and I will follow usingn it so I thinked to start with midmap about gifs.